Last we left the studio project, we were waiting for the rain and snow to pass so that the pad could be poured. So after a one day delay to Tuesday of last week, the pad got poured and was left to cure so that framing for the new studio could begin as planned this week on Monday.
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It was exciting to see the first wall go up and even more exciting to see the progress made in just one day.
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And by Monday afternoon it was beginning to look like a building!
[singlepic id=434 w=320 h=240 float=] [singlepic id=433 w=320 h=240 float=]
By late Tuesday, the framing was done.
[singlepic id=436 w=320 h=240 float=]
And I could get a feeling for what it will be like from the inside looking out!
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Today the sheathing is going up – just ran outside to snap this picture!
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I am totally jealous! Dedicated space would be amazing.
Jeff – it will be! You and Anne can come visit it (and us)!
Dang it’s going up so fast! Looking good!
Fantastic! You will soon be creating a whole new, wonderful line!
I highly recommend the visiting of the Parkers! It’s a destination vacation. 🙂
You have WALLS!! I am excited beyond belief. I could not sleep one wink during all this, I’m sure, I’d be just too excited.
I’m totally impressed with how fast it has been going up. Wiring, plumbing, roof, doors and windows by early next week! Happy to have you all as friends to share my excitement!
So very wonderful to see this materialize. I am really inspired and can’t wait to come inspect!